Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Survive Reading a Boring Book for School

I have read some pretty boring books because of school and they are pretty difficult to get through so here are my tips and tricks for staying focused on this book and getting through it. Since I start my last year of high school in 3 days I thought this might be helpful.

Picture: Souce
Even though you're probably hate that book and you don't wanna read it, you have to because there will probably be quizzes and tests over the book.

1. Pay attention to the details
One of teachers gave us a quiz after every chapter and they were over some of the extreme details. So I would recommend paying full attention to all of the details.

2. Get rid of distractions
Whenever I was reading a book for a class, I would always get distracted by using my phone and turning on the TV because the book was extremely boring. So turn off everything and resist the urge to do other things and FOCUS

3. Take Notes
It always helped me when I was reading to take notes and write down important points and details to help me remember what happened during the book and it was helpful to study for quizzes and tests.

Have questions/requests? Email me or leave a comment!

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